This is absolutely normal. It is most common after a deep tissue massage, but can happen after a more gentle massage as well. Remember that through massage we are working the muscles, so it’s like a passive form of exercise. As well as this, when muscles get overly tight, they can constrict the blood vessels in the area. Over time, this stops the circulatory system from effectively flushing out the waste in that area and you can get a build-up, which causes soreness. When releasing this tension, the blood can start flushing out those toxins, but it can leave you feeling a bit tender, like you have just had a workout (which, in essence, you have). If you have regular massage, you might find this decreases over time, however it does depend on what you do between visits or how often you get a massage.
This soreness should not be too severe — more like the ache after a big exercise session and should not last more than two days. If it does last longer, this can be an indication that the massage therapist might have worked the muscles a little too hard. It is important to tell your therapist at your next visit if anything was particularly painful, so that the treatment can be modified next time.
Remember that massage therapists are not mind readers — but with adequate feedback from you, your therapist is able to tailor the massage to your needs.
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