Leimenstrasse 21, 4051 Basel
(1st floor)
Monday – Saturday 09:00 – 22:30 h
Sunday 10:00 - 22:00 h

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fascia – the whitish-transparent connective tissue – has a variety of tasks. It encloses organs, bones, muscles and individual muscle strands. It also gives the body support and shape. In the case of incorrect loads, too little exercise, stress, with advancing age or trauma (accident or surgery), however, the fascia can be damaged and for example, stick, twist, harden, thicken, which leads to unpleasant paresthesia, abnormal proprioception, coordination disorders of muscle function and pain. For example, elevations or thickening of the fascia occur, which in turn press on other layers of tissue and can trigger inflammation.

Tips for people working at the computer, people with a sedentary lifestyle, people with rigid movements, people of advanced age

Resilient and dynamic movements (for example Nordic walking or swimming) are considered beneficial for the fascia, as are stretching exercises (for example in the form of Thai massages, yoga or Pilates. On the other hand, monotonous sports exercises such as those common in strength exercises are less suitable.  To set a hourly timer in the office and make some stretching  for 2 minutes is always a good idea, give it a try, done over the whole day it will pay off. To get a deeper insight of was fascia is, how it looks like and what happens during inactivity over time please see the “Fuzz” Speech from Ph.D Dr. Gil Hedley.

Fast problem solving with medication?

When it comes to therapy, many patients often think of medication as well as exercise treatments. In acute pain, in particular, there is a great desire for rapid relief. Here, ibuprofen, diclofenac or paracetamol will often be used in individual cases. In any case, it is important to note that pain relievers do not address the underlying root cause, i.e. not the fascia problem. Therefore Cavete – be careful when using painkillers!

Cavete! If you continue to use painkillers, you will also create massive irreversible health problems (organ damage).

It is therefore essential that you discuss your concerns with your family doctor or the pharmacist you trust before you start taking painkillers on a regular basis. If you are already taking these regularly, we recommend that you inform your family doctor about it or slowly compensate for the painkillers and switch to sustainable therapeutic measures.

Periodicity of therapeutic measures

We often abuse our bodies over decades 8-12 hours a day. It would be nice to be able to counteract this with a monthly Thai massage of 90 minutes, but unfortunately we have to disappoint you, this is not the case. Customers who come once or several times per week for at least for a 90-minute Thai Massage, they tell us, that their pain level was noticeably reduced and that they were able to improve their quality of life.

This results in a statistical efficiency of 176: ~ 6.5 shortened 27: 1 (40 hours working week compared to ~ 6.5 hours Thai massage per month). Statistically, 1 hour of Thai Massage already seems to offset the negative effects of 27 hours of work and thus to be able to bring about a substantial improvement in physical well-being.

Evaluations have shown that, in contrast to professional groups with a computer workstation, doctors and other medical professional groups tend to opt for regular Thai Massages (1-3 x / week).

According to our list price, for a 90 minutes Thai Massage per week, this would correspond to a monthly investment in your own body of CHF 560 / month or CHF 7,280 / year. With our Weekly Thai-Massage 90-Minutes-Package for one year which costs 5,096.- / year or 424.66 / month or with our Weekly Thai-Massage 120-Minutes-Package for one year which costs 6,188 / year or 515.66 / month, you can even benefit from a sensational price reduction of 30% per year.

In order to be able to economically compare the different variants (no Thai Massage and enduring pain, no Thai Massage and continuous use of painkillers with irreversible damage to health and a weekly Thai Massage), one would have to quantify pain and irreversible damage in money.

Price for 1 hour freedom from pain:

Pain-Level  Amount in CHF
00 0
01 0
02 3
03 4
04 20
05 50
06 150
07 700
08 5000
09 25000
10 150000


00 =  painless
10  = maximum pain when conscious

The above table is just an example of how the different pain levels can be expressed in money. Determine your own amount for your pain level and then calculate which variant will pay off for you in the medium and long term. Adequate action starts with adequate thinking ;). Please let me know what you thinking about fascia and what you think what the adequate action should be that somebody should take.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Yes, that makes sense, now it’s time to manipulate my fascia!” color=”juicy-pink” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hattha-thaispa.ch%2Freservation%2F|title:Reservation”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Back pain? Book your first massage appointment online with Coupon Code "GoogleNCTI30" and get 30% extra time as your welcome gift 😎