Leimenstrasse 21, 4051 Basel
(1st floor)
Monday โ€“ Saturday 09:00 โ€“ 22:30 h
Sunday 10:00 - 22:00 h

Welcome to the game zone, just search for our Hattha Easter Bunny on our website from March 23rd to April 1st, to win a valuable prize. When you have found the rabbit, just click on the Bunny, if you are lucky you will win an additional price reduction or even a free Oil-Massage for 30, 60, 90 or cash vouchers.

Inform your friends and acquaintances about the hunt for the Hattha Easter Bunny,ย so that they can also try their luck.

I wish you good luck with your Hattha Easter Bunny Hunt*!

Important: (Please note that the sticky notification bar for the Easter Bunny Hunt appears only for Hattha Thai Spa customers who are logged in)

Back pain? Book your first massage appointment online with Coupon Code "GoogleNCTI30" and get 30% extra time as your welcome gift ๐Ÿ˜Ž