The reflex zones on the foot are connected with the various organs of the body. If the trained therapist forces targeted pressure, these stimuli reach the brain and the organs through the skin, muscles, nerves and the blood and lymph system. This selective stimulation is able to release blockages of the meridians and thus to ensure better blood circulation. The body’s self-healing powers receive powerful support. Foot Reflexology Massage treatment requires at least ½ hour. Individualized treatment can be provided.
Your Advantages are:
- Pressure point massages stimulate and improve your blood circulation.
- The body’s self-healing powers receive powerful support.
- Relieving anxiety and pain
- Has a positive effect on the regulation of the hormone balance which plays an important role especially in menopause
- Last but not least, applied regularly brings relief for asthma and allergies.
- Mindful touch can trigger physical well-being, and foot reflexology massage techniques can lead to a feeling of comfort.
Contra indications are:
There are a number of indications or symptoms that can cause a massage is not advisable. If you have or have had the following indications and/or symptoms, you have to desist from a massage. For savety reason we advise you to ask your doctor for his opinion.
- Lymphatic obstruction
- Communicable diseases
- Infections and Fever
- Unusual pain
- Vomitting
Personal information:
To make your massage experience as valuable, useful and safe as possible, we as therapists need to know as much therapeutic related information from you as we can get before your first massage. Therefore we recommend you to send or bring us the completed intake form before or at the first massage.
If this is your first massage with us, we recommend, that you use our Minimum Massage Time Calculator before booking an appointment. This allows you to calculate your minimum massage time based on your personal values and your personal goal and ensure that even your first massage will feel great.