June 30, 2018
Posted by: Atipa
The e-mail service for our Hosting instance at our ISP provider has been locked due to complaints regarding bulk e-mails sent from our instance.
Our instance was detected as sending thousands mails through our SMTP server.
We will need to examine our source code and detect any vulnerability and / or clean our source code directly.
If the anomalous activity is intentional, we are asked to cease this activity as soon as possible.
Dear customer we will work on this issue with high pressure. Until this issue is not fixed you will not receive any confirmation eMail concerning your reservations nor you can send us any message from our form on the website!
Sorry for this inconvenience and thank you for your understanding!
Your Atipa
2.7.2018 17:00 Information:
We have increased our safety precautions and we will soon be able to find out whether our safety measures have achieved the desired effect. All component of our website are active again!
Born in Bangkok, Happy in Basel 😊